Keeping the momentum going throughout long conference days can be challenging for event planners. How do you continuously excite and engage during downtime, like when your audience trickles in for the opening session, or when attendees arrive early to their breakouts, or when there’s a pause in activity during lunch?

Static holding slides, or worse, blank screens, don’t help! Consider adding animated visuals to your ever-expanding bag of tricks to keep your attendees immersed. Here’s a few to get you started:

  • General housekeeping notes performed by animations
  • A stream of live social media posts, populating from the event’s hashtag
  • Slowly moving graphics that reflect the theme, such as rolling waves rotating between the event’s colors
  • The company’s logo pulsing in and out throughout the screen
  • A video showcasing highlights of the host city

Reach out to our creative team for a brainstorming session, we’d love to toss around some ideas to captivate your next audience!